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Rock the Izba.   Should I make another video playing with Baba Yaga or should I move on to another build? Let me know in the comments!


Sims 4 Speed Build: "Baba Yaga's Borough", Part 2: "Building The Baba"

Rock the Izba. Should I make another video playing with Baba Yaga or should I move on to another build? Let me know in the comments!



Can you do a build of Indrid Cold sometime? Maybe he can become friends with Baba Yaga? 👀

Korki Miller

Optional name for chicken coop: Baba Eggya! Lol. That house is my dream home. You know when you're a kid and you see those pointed houses and think a witch lives there? Like in Witches of Eastwick? I always wanted one. And the lot is so pretty at night! If Baba Yaga was nocturnal, it'd be epic. Total metal hothead for sure. My tinfoil hatnis totally on for Baba Yaga eating babies for her health- totally see it. Thanks for the shout out on my crazy idea on Vasilisa. I still like Baba Yaga the best. We stan her. I don't have any tatoos, but if I were going to do that, Baba Yaga would be a contender for sure! Thank you for the build, Aly! It's epic.


I loved all the cats and chickens! Pls name a chicken mr. 305 lol and the water wheel too (not sure what it’s called lol) Also the thing about eating children for their youth makes sense because I’m pretty sure witches (or other child eating beings) need children to be afraid when they eat them!

Emmy J

You have inspired me to get back into my Sims 4 era!


My favorite part is how relatable Baba Yaga is at a social function. Introverted anxious sleepy gals unite


My favorite part of the build is the architecture of the house. You did an amazing job! I would risk being eaten just to see inside. 😱🔮🌳


Favourite part is her little head scarf, evil chicken and cat hang out lot


Do I need to start playing sims again….? My favorite part was bear night LMAO

Kelsea Keys

Favorite part is the evil chickens with the fire eyes 👀 🔥🐓 also I LOVE the dark gothic aesthetic on the inside of her house it’s soooo my vibe and the type of place I’m trying to live in

Jess Mashburn

My favorite part of the build was the cauldron on the balcony and the pond with all the decorations! Love the animals hanging out. That’s so interesting about noses and chins being equivalent for beauty. Your baba looks great. I would love to see some more character focused builds like this!

Robyn Vedder

my favorite part is seeing baba yaga enjoy her beautiful home