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We made it to the conclusion of "Mandy"!

2 years ago I had a dream about a girl who lived a similar life to mine, except she decided that her goal was to get as fat as she possibly could. When I awoke I couldn't get the idea out of my head... it was so simple, attractive, and unique. That dream became, Mandy.

That day I started sketching out ideas and designs while sitting in a cafeteria on break at my work. I watched a lady run a cash register while preparing people's meals (I decided to make Mandy a waitress simply because I wondered how tormenting it would be for a food addict to hand out food to other people all day long!) As I assembled the first page of Mandy a few days later I remember feeling extremely excited, it was the only thing I could think about! I've tried so many artistic endeavors in my life, and most or all of them had failed... I was starting to feel really weighed down by my failures at this time, so that feeling of excitement I got from starting this project was something I desperately needed at the time.

I never thought the comic would have an audience larger than 5 or 10 people on the internet, I was making it because it made me happy. Now 118 pages later I have so many of you reading my work! I'm so happy to have you all here enjoying this wild ride with me! ❤❤❤

I know that this comic's end will disappoint at least a few of you, so I'll move on to some important house keeping!!!

I will be uploading the comic's front and back covers soon.

After that I will be assembling and uploading a ZIP File/PDF of all the pages (I know a few of you have been asking for that! 😬)
I will do the same for the colour pages when I finish them all!

I have not finished with the character Mandy. She will return in the future. 🤫

I will be starting up "Ration" again starting with page 4. (I will include pages 1-3 in the new post)
side note- I'm very excited for Jay to gain some weight, and reveal some of the "big" plans I have for Ration ;)

That's all for now! If you are just here for the pictures, I feel so bad for making you read so much 😅 I hope you are having a wonderful day!




Kevin Roman

Thanks for remembering Ration. Natalie looks great I admit though yeah slob Mandy and lol sera stuck in the door. No prob about wanting my feedback


This is brilliant ! I do not want to sound complaining but i just remember about Mandy Saying in one of the first page that the first problem was her family judgement , so i kinda hoped to see their reaction to their "new" daughter hahah


Ration has been something I've been itching to get back to for quite some time now 😅 I've been slowly building assets for it while finishing Mandy! It's always great to hear thoughts and expectations! Yours specifically are usually a lot of fun 😎👌


I can't believe you remembered a short line from so long ago like that! 🤣 I'M IMPRESSED! That does sound like a super fun idea I agree! If I get a chance to mix it into my future plans I'll definitely do that! 😊 Thanks Hans!


Well i am a big big fan of the comic you know😂 Would definitely love to see that😁

