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So- Now that it's shut down, I've been conversing a bit w a friend, and think I may have a way to try n get these backlogs done as soon as possible-

Now, before talking abt it, I'd like to mention my primary focus is getting the backlog cleared. While I'd love to give each and every piece the focus I've given ones previously in the past, it just ended up being too much and got way out of hand pretty easily. With changing over to a new system, I'd like to clear my backlog first, so we can get a fresh start, without any hanging backs.

So basically, I was thinking of doing a Ticket system. Each backlogged month would equal one sketch ticket you can cash in. (I'll message ya'll individually w how much you've accrued). From there, if you want to upgrade the sketch, you can 'spend' additional tickets to do so.

1 Ticket = sketch

2 ticket = lines

4 ticket = color

6 ticket = shading

That's the basic system we were thinking. Obviously we can tweak it and change it to better fit, but that's the thought as of yet.
What do y'all think? Think it's a good idea, or should we do it a different way? Please let me know, so I can do this how we wanna get it ^^



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