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I've been thinking and talking to a few people about the Patreon sketches/arts, and I want to try a few changes for August's art.

-Three Choice Style
Basically, I was conversing with a friend about some stuff, we came up with the idea of a Three-Choice artstyle. Essentially, you'd be able to choose between three 'color styles' for the art, either 1.) a flat full-color piece (aka without shading), 2.) a 2-3 color piece with simple shading (you can choose the colors yourself or have me do it), or 3.) A one color piece (same as 2, you get first pick of color) with full shading.
(Rough) Examples of each will be attached below.

-Optional Themes
On a separate occasion, I was talking with a (different) friend, and they suggested having an optional theme each month. It sounded like a great idea to me, so I thought to try it out!
It's completely optional, you don't have to do it if you don't want to, of course~

Speaking of which, The Optional Theme for August is: Back to School!
(No underage characters in NSFW, of course; of- and above-age in NSFW is fine ;p)

Sorry for the long-winded message, and let me know what you guys think of 'em/let me know if what I wrote makes sense! :P
-Theobii <3




Themes I like the idea of. Sometimes I have trouble picking a good idea, so this is perfect for it