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Hey there everyone!

 We’ve almost made it through the year so I thought it might be a good idea to do a big wrap up post and some of the things I want to do moving forward! There’s a lot I want to get into so be ready for a long journal entry.

So to start off, in case I don’t say it enough already, thank you to everyone who has joined and who watches my patreon. It means the world to me seeing my little community growing like it is. It’s got me pumped for some of the new things I want to do starting off with I want to do merch! Like for the longest time now I’ve been playing with ideas of things I want to make. Posters, stickers, charms, standees, peekers and more. My current thought is having everyone vote on designs for what kind of merch I make. So one month might be stickers, another month might be a charm, or more depending on how I’m feeling and what sounds fun. I’ll note that this isn’t taking over my typical monthly sketches or sketch pages I do for patreon. This would be an additional thing. That being said,  I’m still trying to figure out the logistics of it all. My current plan is to open up a new higher tier on my patreon so those who are on it can get the stickers and charms for free. I’d love some feedback from you guys to see if this is something folks would like or enjoy.

The next thing on my agenda, somewhere in all of patreon’s updates we ended up losing the goal tracker. Does anyone else remember it? When I reach a certain amount I’d start doing more? Cause I kinda forgot about it when it disappeared from my view. But I remember now which means starting next year I’m going to start doing more speedpaints. And on top of that I’ll also start doing voice overs talking about my process and about how I do things. And given that I’m now finding a style and consistent way I like to do things I think now's a good time as ever. Now the speedpaints and work discussions are going to be a patreon exclusive thing but if there’s enough of an interest in them I might put them up as single time buys on Ko-Fi. So again please let me know what you all think.

The last thing I personally have to touch on is something that might be a little weird in concept. I’ll be honest with everyone. While I’ve enjoyed the work I’ve done this past year I’ve always felt like I could be doing things better. My style hasn’t always been what I’ve wanted it to be. Some of you have popped into the livestreams I do with some of my friends. And have probably heard me talk about my time in college and how it really felt like it drained my creativity. It’s taken me these past 6 to 7 years to start really getting it back. So in this next coming year I wanted to let everyone know my style will probably be changing more to fit the aesthetics that I really love. I’m still going to devote myself to the same level and quality that everyone knows me for but it might just be a little different then what some folks are used to. As a whole what I have always wanted to do for my art is Anime, so I do plan on focusing on that and making my Anthro style match that as well! Again I want to thank everyone for your support and awesome attitude while I’ve been working things this year. I’m going to pass it over to Aero for a little bit now!

Heyo everyone Aeroteaka here! Sorry I’m hijacking a part of this post for a hot minute. If you’ve made it this far then you are awesome and thank you for being here with Fleet and I this past year. While Fleet is pushing herself in doing bigger and more kick ass art I’ve wanted to try to do more things too. I’ve been a long time writer and even a longer time nerd so for those interested this coming year I’m going to be posting more here on Patreon about a TTRPG I’ve been working on. My original hope was to have everything prepped up for a winter playtest release but given the size and task ahead of me I’m going to be aiming to start releasing playtest and material for it in the new year. If there’s a good response for it I’ll continue to update everyone on it. If you love a futuristic 80’s and 90’s anime with retro appeal, VRMMO’s, and mildly crunchy ttrpg’s then this game might just be for you. Throwing back to Fleet!

Aero and I are both super excited for what is to come next year! I really want to focus more on my patreon and have this place be where I take my commissions and where I post more things (given twitter is nearly dead lol). As things get closer and we work out the details we will post more for you,but we are so excited!!
Thank you all for taking time to read all this!!

-Fleet and Aero <3



Always gonna be here supporting you and your ideas! I like the idea of the higher tier for stickers and charms and would very likely look at upgrading to that tier myself! As for the idea of speedpaints and going over your progress and process, I'm exceptionally interested. Long have you been an inspiration for my own art journey and I would love to see more of your process and you talking through it. As for your style, choose what makes you happy, because when you're happy with what you produce, the quality will soar as people see the love and passion you put into works even more. I fully support you finding your style and shifting things in ways that look best to your artistic eye. And Aero, I've loved the sound of your ideas from an early stage and really cannot wait to see what you produce with it! I wish you the very best with your development and am excited to see what comes as a result!