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Hey there everyone! What a month it's been! 

Thank you for everyone who participated in Shark Month. It's blown me away by the amount of people who have shown interest in this silly little Sketchathon. However as we reach the final week of the month I am sad to announce that I most likely wont be taking anymore batches outside of the 2 that I already have in my Que.  I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to everyone on the waitlist, I wish I could have gotten to you all but given the amount of work I still need to finish before the month ends I just cannot make that happen. But don't worry. This isn't the only time I'm going to do a month of sketches. There will be other themes and months for it, I already have a few ideas bouncing around in my head.  
As for what the immediate future holds? I'm going to use next month to cool down and try to catch up on some long standing large commissions. I want to clear up the que so I can take on more full illustrations and YCH's. I have a handful of Ych's Planned (A Collab included) as well as a desire to work on some larger Commissions in the coming month. I also wanted to take a bit of time for myself and my own art. While this past month has been my most productive by far, It has left me a bit worn out and tired. I may open up for a small handful of normal sketch commissions here soon but we will just have to wait and see.  
I also want to spend July doing some more Bonus stuff for my Patreon. I really want to try and make sure to have more fun content for my awesome Supporters on Patreon, I wasn't able to do any bonus piece for Patreon this month so I find myself wanting to make for it in July.  
As a whole, I have a mix of personal goals and work goals I'd like to reach in July. As well as take a bit of time to cooldown and and recoup after the craziness that was Shark Month.
Again I am sorry I wasn't able to get to everyone for Shark Month, I hope you all understand. I do however want to ask a question, it seems that people liked me having a waitlist for Shark Month. Would you guys like in the future for me to open a Commission Waitlist for just about anything I offer? This way when I have opening for that type of Commission I can reach out to you? Please let me know what you guys think and if I should keep the Waitlist for Commissions in general.  

Thank you all for taking the time to read all this, and for all your love and support for what I do!!

TLDR: Shark Month is Ending, Wont be taking anymore Batches our side of what I already have in Que. Gunna do YCH's and Personal Work for July, Should I keep a general Commission Waitlist? 



Take the time you need to recover, Fleet. Your art is always amazing and wonderfully appreciated, but your health and energy are very important too! The Commission Waitlist is a good idea, I think!


Take care of yourself first and foremost. And a waitlist would be nice.