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Hey Guys!

Wanted to post a quick announcement, so in regards to those of you waiting for this  Month's artpack, never fear, that should be ready for you all to enjoy by Friday at the latest. As for this Month's Fanart Poll, that should also be up by tomorrow if not Friday. I am sorry for the mini delay but I thank you all for waiting!

I'd also love to hear feedback on how you guys are feeling about what I have been doing/offering as of this year so far.
I'd love to hear if there are thing you'd like added in the future and if you have any questions or concerns!

Thank you for taking time to read this! 



As always, take all the time you need, Fleet! If something is going on in real life, then that comes first and art can wait if needed. As for what you've done and offered so far this year, it's all been amazing and I've loved the diversity as well as the regular polls for what we'd like to see. Keep up the amazing work!

Adleisio Cefnfor

I think you are doing fine, small delays and hiccups are expected from time to time


Everything you have posted has been awesome so I cant think of anything as of rn.. I just love seeing whatever you come up with community and yourself as your enjoyment to drawing is what matters!