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Well, I love doing this quck sketchpages for you all to enjoy and had to do another one! This time for March's Winner, Ralsei! Hope you all enjoy the art as well as the mini story along with it!!

Ralsei: Uuuh guys, I know we said we’d try own some of our old outfits when you came back from college. But…ummm…I don’t think this costume is quite right. 

Susie: The hell are you talkin abo- Woah!


Ralsei: I don’t think it’s going to fit right. 

Susie: Wow….uuuuuh what do you think we should do Kris? 

Kris: S-Action Double Cheek Check. 

Ralsei: W-w-wait what are you two doing???

Ralsei: Where are you grabbing. Why are you bending me over wait! It’s really short you shoul-OH MY~ N-not that I mind but please watch your claws Susie!

Susie: Daaaamn, Like I know he was packing but this is a whole different level. It’s so damn fluffy. Your hands just sink right in. Hey Kris you thinking what I’m thinking? 

Kris: S-Action Signature 

Susie: Heh…yeeeaaah come here Tooth Paste Boy we’re gonna give you something to remember us by when we’re away.

Ralsei: Wait- Susie be gentle don’t just meep! *Ralsei has been flipped. Hard. He’s a bit dizzy. 

Susie: Heh heh heh….hells yeah. We do good work together Kris. 

Ralsei: Oh Dear...
