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Hey Guys,

I wanted to take a little bit of time to type out a message of some of my thoughts and plans with the new year coming up, as well as my plans for any future commissions.

So unfortunately I am again feeling a lot of burnout in general when it comes to my art and Furry. Taking time off at the start of this year from it did in fact help but I am starting to think my burnout is on a bigger scale. I have really been wanting to focus on more personal art and in new styles. In secret I have been doing some of that on the side but much like many things I wish to work and focus on, I just lack the time.
I really do wish to do more cute anime style art. This doesn't mean I don't intend on doing NSFW anymore, but I will touch more on that in a moment.

As a whole I really want to work on things so I can finally open a Shop and sell merch, and I want to make sure to take the time to do so. But before people start to worry, No this doesn't mean I am stepping away from Furry and NSFW, but more that I will be focusing on many other things along side it.
This now kinda ties into commissions, my current plan is only take on YCH's, Sketch Commissions, and Smaller Bust up Style Commissions for the time being as I work on personal work/style. I am trying to fight my burnout, but I still wanna produce work you will all enjoy and expect. This way I can still produce Furry at on a Scale that will hopefully not burn me out as badly.
I also wanted to talk about an Idea I have ATM, which is that I would like to start posting my NSFW work to Patreon first before other sites and then to the public about a Month or so later. This is for a few reasons, one being my desire to give myself a more Professional look and to hopefully bring more attention to the things I really want to do on my Patreon. (such as Tutorials, SpeedPaints, Bigger Monthly Rewards like before). I know this might upset some people but it's what I really want to do for my work.

I want to work more to make a name for myself that goes beyond the just Furry Fandom. I know not everything I plan on creating will please everyone but that is ok to me. I feel stuck in my current position and I really want to push more to reach those personal/life goals I have for myself. I just hope to have you all there supporting me as I do so!

I want to thank you all for taking time to read this all out. I look forward to the New Year and what it holds. 




I fully support this, I hope these changes help you greatly and I'm looking forward to seeing where the new directions take you. I'm very excited to see mention of tutorials as I've long been an admirer of your art and your style. All these changes are positives as far as I see it!