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I wanted to post a quick message to apologize for the lack of updates recently, Been some life things going on that have had me beyond busy this weekend/ this week.(Everything is ok, just super busy)  I am going to try and make time to get some kind of update to you asap, but at the latest, I wont be back to work fully until next Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience!!

I am going to try and get that Patreon Sketch done today or tomorrow as well as hopefully have some content to post. But once again, life has be running around like crazy and it's taken up my time to work. I'll make it up to you all later!!

Thank you all for understanding!!

<3 StrayKat / Fleet



Don't worry about it! Real life comes first, and things don't always go as planned as a result. Take as long as you need, we'll still be here and appreciate your works highly! Take care of yourself, Fleet! <3