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Hey guys,

So I wanted to take the time and properly make a post here as to what is currently going on. Last night I made a rather long thread explaining how as of late, I have been so absolutely burned out on drawing Furry Art and that I really need a break.
It's not that I don't enjoy drawing Furry, but that I have been drawing it almost non-stop for years now and I have become so burned out to the point I have even begun to hate drawing Furry.
I don't plan on taking a break from art a whole, but mostly switching it up and changing what I draw for a while. For the longest time I have wanted to start switching things up and draw more Anime, Fanart and Monstergirls. I just as a whole cant really bring myself to draw more furry stuff right now. I just need a break.
This is why I haven't opened for commissions in such a long time, because I've kinda been stuck drawing a lot of the same things over and over. I tried doing YCH's to see if that would help me get out of this rut, but sadly hasn't. I just need to stop for a bit and explore new things to draw. This doesn't mean I wont ever draw furry again, but it does mean for the time being I wont be taking any new furry based commissions.
I will finish the remaining ones I still have in my Que, but other then that I wont be doing much else for a little while. 

I want to take time to focus on my art, and themes I really want to draw. This does mean for the time being, here on Patreon I do plan on changing any Anthro Character's suggested into Monstergirls/guys of sorts. I know this may disappoint some of you, but I hope you will all understand and support my work nonetheless.
I want to start taking smaller commissions to draw your Favorite Anime/Game Waifu's and Husbondo's. As well as take time to focus on personal goals and projects I've had on the back burner for way to long.

But as a whole, I am so burned out on furry and truly just need some time way from it as a whole. I hope you all understand. I still want to produce work for you all, but it will just be different things moving forward. I do plan on opening for some fanart style commissions. I'll be posting details on that shortly.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me, thank you guys for understanding. 




You had me at Monstergirls.


Monsters you say 😳


Do what you gotta do! I’m a variety whore so it’s all good to me :)


But monstergirls brings us to an important question… with lamia/snaketaurs, do you prefer to go full-stop snake at the waist or go with the “it still sorta has a human crotch” thing?


Hrrrm Both I'd say, depends on the character

Teh Pron

Follow your heart!