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Hey Guys!

I wanted to make a quick post talking about some of the upcoming things I have planned as well as some other info!
For starters, I will be doing a Folder clean up here soon. To my newer Patrons, this means I will be deleting some older folder/files in the Dropbox. This is to help clear up space and keep things looking cleaner. But please know, if there are pieces you'd like me to reupload I will be more then happy to do so! I'll be cleaning up the folders this Friday!

On another note, I wanted to state that I plan on sticking to doing just YCH's for the near future. These, personally, are for more fun and worth my time when compared to commissions. 

On that note, I would love to maybe start something new on here, not sure if this will be a new tier or not. But I would love to start posting the idea sketches for Ych's here for you all to see, as well as to see which ones you guys would like to see finished. I have also thought about maybe doing Patreon Exclusive Ych's!
These would be Ych's that can only be bid on here, by you my amazing Patrons. What do you guys think? Do you think this would work better as a new Tier, or just as a perk for being in the Top Tier? I would to hear for you all! If this were to be a new tier, I would also take suggestions and do polls to vote for the theme and maybe even which YCH you guys would like to be a Patron Only piece!

And finally, on that topic of YCH, I have thought about bringing up my AB price in my YCH Auctions. Now, this doesn't mean I expect every YCH to sell for the top price, but I think it might be a good way to make sure more people get a chance to bid in. What do you guys think? I would love to hear back from you all!

Thank you as always for reading this and for supporting me and my work during these crazy times! Love you all!




Hey Fleet, So, here is what I think about the changes. YCH Focus: As sad as that makes me, if they're more fun and worth your time then go for it! I know YCH's aren't everyone's cup of tea but you already do a lovely job. So, you do you. <3 Patreon YCHs Voting: I'm also so-so on the idea of a new tier, since the highest tier at the moment has the ability to vote on the Fan Art Sketch. If you would like to add a new tier, then a suggestion would be make sure you allow the current highest tier the same privileges as before (Excluding the new YCH voting). That's my opinion of course. I've never run a pateron hahah. Patreon Exclusive YCH's: These are fine, but i'm not a fan of it being behind of the top most tier. This one is hard for me (In my opinion of course). It will feel like a paywall to a certain extent. I would say if you keep the amount of exclusives / non-exclusive balanced, people wouldn't feel like they would have to be a patreon to have a chance to get art from you. Of course you may see it different. But do what you feel works best for you! AB Price: Remove the AB price for a while. See how much people are willing to pay and then set your AB after you have a good idea what you think is fair is your eyes. Hopefully I was clear enough. Do hope for the best though <3


Thank you so much for the Feedback!! After giving it thought I dont think I would make this a new Tier but would add it to the 5$ tier. As for the Patreon exclusive YCH, My plan would to be to have one up for auction to the public and the other here. So people not on my Patreon can still get one, but it gets people interested in joining. This would still be a YCH that I would post to the public, but It would only be Bid-able by you guys on here! I know a lot of people hate the Paywall thing, but I do try to post everything out. It would be pretty much like the Sketches I do each month on here. Only you guys can vote, but everyone gets to enjoy it!