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Hey guys!

This is just a mini alert to let everyone know that there is going to be a lot of things dropping on my socials today. I'm changing the formatting on my Patreon which mean many of the pieces here will be going public!

Before I would wait MONTHS between posting content, but I now plan on Posting Monthly Sketches to the public 1 Month later after they are done (Most likely at the end of the month), And for the Large Monthly Illustration, I will be posting them after 2 Months of them being up on my Patreon. (again I will most likely post these at the end of the 2 month mark). I am hoping to drum up more business and get more of you awesome followers interested in what I am working on and planning!

This means that Teir 4 Supporters will be able to post Patreon Sketches to the public the following Month! :) (Since I know many of you wait for me to post them first)

Thanks for reading!




That's a good idea! :D