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Hey guys Aeroteaka here!

So Fleet asked me to tap in and keep everyone up to date, she's feeling really drained today. Full disclosure her Father just passed away yesterday. She wanted to take a day to just recover, from what we've talked about she might take Friday to recover as well. She's going to wait and see how she's feeling. I know what a lot of people are thinking, she should take more time to rest but her words exactly were 'I'd rather get back to it after a short rest because it takes my mind of things.' So we will see how things go.

As a note for our Patreon supporters, this month has been a hell of a wild ride for us. More so then both of us had expected. But from how Fleet is feeling and how she's talking she's aiming to get the Patreon sketches and the full rendered piece done as quick as possible. Best case scenario they should be finished by the end of the month. If not then then the goal is the first week of May. Please hang in there with us as we're tackling things as fast as possible.

As always, thank you all so much for your patience and support. You all are awesome and have a great day!




Oh God! I'm sorry to hear that. She should take all the time she needs and not worry about us.


Thank you all so much for the kind words, means a lot to me