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My dear kittens and puppies!

I know I promised some of you to share Anakin Sim this month, but alas... The reality decided against it. As you may know, this Autumn russia began to bomb our civil infrastructure massively. Due to constant shelling our energetic system suffers a lot and we experience total blackout during days. Without electricity, water and heating. And we're expecting it to get much worse. Without doubt, this winter will be the hardest for Ukraine since the days of it's independence.

That's why, I'm physically not able to share Anakin this month and I don't know if I have any opportunity to share him on December. Of course, I'll do the best I can to keep up updating my Patreon, but you must understand if there will be long pauses between posts. Also, I would like to ask you not to demand sims from me in the private messages. During this winter (and probably till the end of this war) there's nothing I can do to give them away instantly. Sharing sims, alas, takes time,  internet, electricity and (no less importantly) my good spirit I might not have.

I want to thank everyone who's supporting me during these dark times. Every dollar means a lot to me. On the money you so kindly donated, I managed to support my army, buy power banks, weekly dry food and water supplies and candles to keep me and my family alive. Bombs can still hit my house, though. But if you see a new post from Wistful Castle - know that I'm still breathing.

With love,



(Hugs) I hope you and your loved ones stay safe. Thank you for checking in, and I hope you continue to.


Stay safe!