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Update:  MOCAP INCLUDED  - It's all default VaM stuff but the mocap data is there.

Original message:  Hey everyone.. yes, I know I'm releasing content slow lately - but I'm focusing on improved mocaps as I'm never satisfied with the current state of things.  I've been experimenting with a new mocap method that includes shoulder movement.  You can see some of that in this video - it makes the girl seem just a little more alive than normal.  I'll be releasing some looks and mocaps soon.. hang in there with me..


13 Point Tracking


Dirk Diggler

Thanks for the update. Increases the realism quite a bit. BTW, Beautiful model! ;-)


this is very nice !


very nice with the new plug in for the hands, just dont over do it, keep it natural. Your work and kitty's the best mocap stuff out there.


I never realized how much more a subtle change like that could add to your mocaps! I'm really diggin' it. Like DP72 mentioned, just keep it natural and don't overdo it...even subtle shoulder rolls would work well ;) Keep it up buddy!


I purposely exaggerated things in this video for demonstration purposes.. but future mocaps will aim at being more subtle and just enough to pump up the realism but not go over the top with shoulder movement.