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This Ibiza shooting has been the most exciting shooting in 2023 - Neither Tezz (@bosatezz) nor me had any experience with driving a quad and so we were full of enthusiasm when we started our trip to the shooting location.

Driving first time with this vehicle taught us that there is quite a difference with a regular car!

It took few minutes until Tezz became familiar with the vehicle. We just had the first nice pictures done, when after 10 minutes shooting we realized that we were close to run out of fuel and we urgently needed to find a fuel station. Luckily we found a tourist family, taking Tezz back to a fuel station close to the town. Tezz did a great job talking to a Biker and motivating him to drive her back to the shooting location as soon as she had bought fuel and canister.

After 45 minutes we could continue with our shooting, but I'm sure I will never ever rely on a half-empty gasoline tank.

We took pictures until the light was fading away and so we had to go back to our hotel when it was already completely dark. What we didn't know was that the lights of our quad didn't work at all and so we had to go back all the 20 miles using the hazard warning light - which brings me to two take-aways from this shooting

- always start with a full gasoline tank

- and check the light if you rent a vehicle and plan to do a sunset shooting !



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