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This is maybe the most oftenly used and important guidance I give a model during the shooting. Quite often a model tries to pose perfectly, stand still for a moment to give the photographer the chance to take the shot and then moves on to the next pose.

This is not, how I like the model to perform as this means she offers a more or less big portfolio of trained poses but will never show her personality or act authentically.

Therefore, I try to have a photo set like a stage in a theatre and the model acts with her own ideas within this stage. Sometimes I explain the situation a bit like "You are a strong, young lady living in this apartment and it's breakfast time". But from then on, the model develops her own story trying to pose in a way I told her at the very beginning - no standard poses, can be weird, can be provocative (without showing too much), don't try to think too much about how it looks like - we will throw away everything which doesn't look okay for you.

As a photographer you just have to be fast enough to catch as much of the model's acting as possible. Of course, the result is in most cases not the technically perfect picture - but you add a lot of the model's personality and you'll get pictures you could never get if the model tries to pose like this...



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