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Welcome to Poppy's Official Patreon Page! To kick things off, I'd figure I'd post a little FAQ (frequently asked questions), featuring some of the more common questions I get from readers and commenters. As the series continues, I may do more of these, but for now, here's some explanations/answers regarding parts 1 and 2 (Strips 1-49):

Why did Poppy sleep-in so long?

Because her alarm was late.

Why didn't Poppy know what Spaghetti was in Strip 33?

Though spaghetti has existed in various forms for centuries, the current day meal of spaghetti and meatballs was invented in America by Italian immigrants between the 1880s-1920s. However, though it may have existed in Poppy's time, it was not a common dish outside of Italian families and restaurants until much later, sometime around the 1930s-1940s.

Therefore, it's entirely possible Poppy (who is of Scottish descent, not Italian) would not be aware of spaghetti, or at the very least would consider it an exotic food.

Wait, these dates don't match up in Strip 14! Is Poppy really 8 years old?

Ah, sharp eye for those who noticed. And unfortunately, you've caught me in a bit of a lie.

In strip 14, we see Poppy's birthdate as June 15, 1914. However, if she woke up in 2022, and was asleep for 100 years, that would mean she went to sleep in 1922, and is thus only 8 years old. Which doesn't make sense, because Poppy is a teenager in high school.

So what's going on here?

Poppy is canonically 15 years old. Born in 1914, that means she went to sleep in 1929, not 1922. Why is this? The concept of Poppy as a comic is comparing the 1920s and the 2020s. More specifically, the 1920s in their entirety, and the 2020s as they happen. Therefore, Poppy must fall asleep in 1929, to ensure Poppy has knowledge of the entire 1920's and to allow for more creative freedom in plotlines and jokes.

But doesn't that mean she only slept for 93 years, not 100?

Yes. And there you have caught me in the lie. The correct title should be Poppy: The Girl Who Slept-In 93 Years. But that doesn't sound as good, does it?

All this confusion because I revealed her birth year perhaps a bit too soon. Oh well. Now you know.

What did Poppy mean by "dances from the Africans" in Strip 23?

Exactly that. Certain dances that became popular in the 1920s, such as the Black Bottom Dance and the Charleston, originated from African American communities. Admittedly, this line worked better in an earlier version of the script, before it was revised. I probably should've adjusted it to fit the new dialogue, but ce la vie. As it is, Poppy is using it as an example of how wild and crazy the times were, that cross-racial dances were popular.

What's that on the crotch of the man in Strip 24 Panel 4?

It's pee. There actually was a "pee your pants" Tik-Tok challenge in 2020. I couldn't believe it either, but it was too ridiculous to not include as an example of dumb modern day trends.

What did Poppy say to Abby in Strip 34 panel 4?

Whatever warrants a trip to the Principal's office.

How long will Poppy go on for?

Until I either run out of ideas, or the 2020s ends. Whichever comes first. I do have an ending in mind, rest assured. But for now, let’s have some fun in the 2020s.


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