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It's not crazy to assume that we might have an HTC guy lurking around in the community. Maybe even my Patreon of mine :)

Guys, the brains at HTC did it again. This is the ''self tracking tracker''. Auto-tracker would be a better name for it. We've theorized about this tech but here it is.

This is  mind blowing, dick hardening, pussy wetting news. 

This changes everything. No more limited space, no more tracker fuckups, no more cumbersome base stations. Pure and total freedom. 

No worry, I am all over it. I will get them as soon as they come out. It seems they plan to release in the Q3 of this year. 

What this means for our little thing here? Pure fucking freedom. Cat walks, fast dances, acrobatics, characters walking from room to room in entire apartments or houses, huge tracked surfaces. 

This will bring in a new  age of VAM animation content creation. 

My pee-pee is hard, dripping precum.  

Shit is about to get really fucking cool. 


VIVE's Mind-Blowing Self-Tracking Tracker! 🤯✨

Get ready for the launch of our game-changing self-tracking tracker later this year! 🚀 We're brewing something amazing in the development kitchen, and if you're a developer with a taste for innovation, we'd love for you to join the party! 🎉 Learn more: https://htcvive.co/3FED0Bs #openxr #vrtracking #htcvive #trackers #vrchat #GDC23 #vrgaming #metaverse #vr #xr



Mooaar dancing!


neat, youre always pushing boundaries!