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Hihi everyone, we're back with another chapter of Temple of Felaia and I apologize for the lateness! I've been learning how to use Godot so I can make a new VN which has been taking up a lot of my free time. But hopefully I'll have something to show off in that regard soon, we'll see if I can overcome the massive hurdle that is learning to code or not.

Anyway, this chapter puts us at about the 2/3 point of the story! I generally thought of it as three general arcs involving the group's foray into the dungeon, then gathering the keys to unlock Felaia's chamber and then the whole final boss battle part of the adventure. This is where the story starts to get a bit more structured and less random, which is both good and bad... I do kind of enjoy stories where the heroines just blunder from one saucy situation to the next with almost dream-like logic but I did really like the idea that the further they delved into the caverns the more obvious their true objective became to them.

So yeah, check it out! Not sure when chapter 8 will come long since I still have to finish putting it together but hopefully not too long.


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