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Hey there, backers! This is the last update for February, another two mini-stories.

The first is the new Pink Circle, a silly "What If?" or spin-off scenario involving Klein dominating Chancellor Celestia, one of the university's heads. It could be a perverted dream he had for all the effect it will have on the story. 

This is veeery different to the other Pink Circle chapters, trading in the its trademark "slow-burn" and teasing aesthetic to pretty much go straaaiiight into an over-the-top and misogynistic male power fantasy. If you're looking for my more in-depth and thoughtful stuff, I'd definitely recommend skipping over this chapter.

The other story is "League of Facesits", a featuring a very dominant and aggressive Fiora. This was a Slop Bucket request, and one I very much wanted to tackle. 

I don't get to write much femdom stuff through commissions, so getting to explore that side of things was a very welcome opportunity. I took an enormous amount of inspiration from Doskoinpo's femdom hentai art for this one, so if you're a fan of his artwork you will almost certainly like this fic. Go look him up if you're not familiar!


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