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Hello patrons! Since last update I've been busy getting content ready for the future, as well as looking at my commissions list and seeing what I can reasonably whittle down. Some of these commissions date back quite a while so I want to get serious about sorting them out and getting content to people who requested it. Anyway, I think I'm pretty well set to do that now with the next few months of content sorted out, including a few more chapters of Temple of Felaia. Hope people are enjoying that story!

Today's update is chapter 1 of Sakuya Invasion, which is a story I dithered about posting for a bit, for the reason that... six chapters were planned and the commissioner walked out on the story after I'd written five of them. I kind of dithered on what to do with it for a bit obviously, but since I have a bunch of notes for a final chapter already written it seems silly to not go ahead and use them. So I'll be posting the first few parts at least and then see about finishing the story on my own sometime. This sort of situation is pretty painful to deal with since it's taking me away from the stories I'm passionate about writing, but... I also think there's some very good writing in this story so I'd cry if I just never posted it ever.

Anyway, what's it about? It's a hypothetical scenario about Sakuya Izayoi, in the days before she became Remilia Scarlet's personal maid. Her backstory hints at her having been a vampire hunter before then. The tldr from the wiki goes as follows:

"Sakuya being a vampire hunter is a theory that's the widely accepted by Akyuu, based on the fact that her silver knives are the same kind used to slay vampires and other demons. Silver is one of the prime weaknesses of vampires.

The theory that was said by Akyuu claims that long ago, a young vampire hunter was training herself, defeating smaller demons in an unknown location, but never had the chance to fight a vampire. Confident in her abilities, she decided to set out on a journey to slay vampires and ended up at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. There she saw Remilia Scarlet, who was surprisingly strong, and Remilia easily defeated her. However, Remilia wanted the girl's power for herself, so she spared her life and gave her a new name, which also gave her a completely opposite fate: Sakuya Izayoi. Sakuya then became the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion before it was moved to Gensokyo. This may also have some relation to her species theory."

So I embellished this account a little bit for the story, casting Sakuya as a hunter sworn to destroy the evil Remilia Scarlet. Since she hasn't received the name Sakuya yet, she's simple referred to as 'The Hunter' for the first few chapters of the story.

Anyway, this has been a much longer post than normal so to summarize briefly: Sakuya ventures to the SDM, 'battling' Hong Meiling and Patchouli Knowledge/Koakuma along the way, before finally enacting her plan to vanquish Remilia and Flandre Scarlet. Will she be successful? Probably not. Will there be way more futa content than I normally write in stories? It is very possible.


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