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Hey-hey, guys, hope you're all having a nice October. I meant to watch horror movies this month but I ended up much too busy. Well... it was mostly with reading Higurashi but I got some writing in there as well.

I actually hurt my hand this week so commissions have been delayed a little bit. If you're waiting on a commission I'll do my best to keep working the list down and see about getting it to you as soon as possible. 

Anyhoo, today's update is another chapter of Rakuraizer, our serialized mecha epic. Following chapter 2 in which Kenta defeated the first of many alien foes, he finds his unearthed robot going back to a top-secret government facility where he meets the women protecting humanity from the invasion. And ends up getting into the panties of one of them, figuratively speaking. This is the first of the many, many sex scenes that are going to find their way into this story.

Speaking of, I really saw this story as a chance to get back to my first and greatest kink passion - and something that has been missing from the majority of my commissions - HAREMS. I'm pleased to say there is going to be so much harem content in this story, so keep an eye out for that as we head into future chapters.


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