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Hihi, backers, sorry for the delays! I’ve been hard at work on another visual novel project this month, which ended up taking about twice as long as the previous one to make... it pretty much completely blew out of proportion by the end, but that’s all part of learning new skills. Anyway, that means the next update after this one will be a surprise, so look forward to that on the 25th or so.

Today’s upload concludes the second storyline of the Pit and Palutena story, in which events with Viridi wrap up. The third storyline is going to be all about leading into the premise that was set up at the veeery beginning of the story, namely Pit growing into his dominant role. It’s still got quite a ways to go before I’ll be happy posting it, so I’ll be finding something else to upload in the meantime. Thanks for the continued support as I get all these out, you guys are the best.


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