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Hi backers!

Well, this is kind of amazing since I only just announced us hitting 90 backers last month, but somehow we reached 100 in the interim period. I'm honestly kind of shocked? Also ridiculously grateful to you all, I have the coolest fans ever.

Like I said earlier, 100 backers is another bonus story, which means I've been scrambling a little bit to get everything ready! This last week has been super busy and I basically haven't had time to touch commissions at all, but I think I'm through the worst of it. August's schedule ended up looking like this: 

10th August PATREON: The Sailor Scouts Get Fucked Up Worse Than Crystal Chapter 3 / Zelgadis/Amelia Patreon Short 

20th August PATREON: Kingdom of Twilight Sparkle 3: Sombra Chapter 2 / Don't Lewd Your Way Chapter 7

30th August PATREON: 100 Wives Chapter 6

So that's another four regular-sized stories and two smaller ones, namely the two getting posted today. So let's take a look at those now.

"Sailor Scouts" ties off the current train storyline. I have surprisingly little to say about it, it's a Usagi-focussed chapter. It's about time she got some attention! 

I don't write a lot of gangbang-centric stuff, since it's not an immediate interest for me, so this story was a challenge with me not knowing where to focus the "camera" as it played out. I wanted to give each of the girls an iconic scene, and since Ami and Jupiter got theirs last time, that's why the big turn on Usagi this time around.

The funnest part for me was probably writing the "turning the tables" ending, which is one of my favourite hentai cliches... where something either randomly crops up to save the kidnapped heroines, or they just sort of blithely remember they had powers all along and decide to use them. I've never been a fan of the terminal nature of bad endings where the heroines lose and they never get to romp around anymore, I much prefer it when any bad situation is temporary and allows them to get back to doing what they do best. It was one of my favourite things about the gap between the Taimanin Asagi OVAs actually, where we see the girls after their traumatic experiences and they've just completely shrugged it off and are back to work as if it were just a weekend bender or something. It appeals to my love of seeing heroines triumphant.

It will be a challenge writing the later chapters of this story to keep that kind of optimistic nature going, but I'll be working towards it as much as I can.

"Zelgadis/Amelia" issss an older fic I hesitated about uploading, it's from a long time ago and I personally felt the writing quality was a bit sub-par compared to my more contemporary stuff. I spent the last few days rewriting chunks of it and getting it to a level where I was a bit more confident in the writing. Part of me considered spending longer on it and trying to get it further along, but on the other hand, I feel like there's a point where you just have to accept you've done as much as you can, and any further time spent on something would give extremely diminished returns.

So if the writing comes across as a bit rusty, that would be why! If you're a fan of more retro characters like Zelgadis and Amelia getting married and having a nice wedding night together, though, then you might get something out of it!


One more thing! I've been enjoying writing these little journal entries about stories as they come out and listing little bits and pieces of pertinent information about them. It's fun to think about something I've written and how it played out, what the challenges were and so on. So if anyone would like me to write a similar retrospective about an older story, just leave something in the comments and I'll try to get to it next time!



...Well, *I'm* happy to see it so...


It's great and was definitely worth posting, I just wanted to shape it up a bit first.