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Hi again backers!

As promised, this time is we're having a double update. It should probably actually be a triple update since the Charlotte chapter ended up being a bit on the short side, but I decided to save the extra stuff for the 25th to space things out a little bit.

Charlotte Shorts 4 is the first half of a little thing about Charlotte and Ashley visiting an Alchemist's Fair. It was meant to be a larger story originally, so there's a substantial amount of setup, but in the end it was just these two chapters.

This story is also much more focussed on Ashley than previous chapters... not that he's likely to get any action with Charlotte around!


Our second story wraps up the "club" portion of the Yoruichi story, putting us at about the halfway mark. The rest will centre around a jacuzzi that gets very messy over the course of the night. 

Speaking of which, it occurs to me that long-time readers might notice I kind of have an obsession with settings with lots of water, like rivers, lakes, jacuzzis, beaches... and also things like bikini/wet t-shirt contents. Anything with those skimpy sorts of outfits, really! It's a large part of quite a few of my stories.

I'm not 100% sure what it is I like about those sorts of settings so much, I think beaches and tropical islands and things like that are just ridiculously hot to me. Also the nature of a jacuzzi where you can only see people's upper bodies and everything else is hidden. Like I love the idea of a guy groping a girl underwater and her having to hide her pleasure while the people aroudn them are oblivious, for example. Or the other way around, a scenario like that with, say, 2B groping 9S in water would really hit the spot.

Also, one last thing: not sure if any of you guys check my Tumblr, but I recently made a post there about some axed story concepts for a One Piece commission, might interest some of you.

Anyway, that's it for this update, I'll be posting the rest of this month's content in 10 days or so. It's gonna be featuring more Kasumi and Ayane.


Bacon invader

Hey there, this is my first time being a patron. How do you get the stories?