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Hey guys! Joseph and Chastity will be finally getting some much-needed alone time in this chapter.

This chapter was a bit tough to write, I think. I originally had another version I was quite happy with, but I had an 11th hour moment involving reading up on the lore about Graph's characters and getting cold feet about my depiction. It motivated me to do some rewrites, which was probably a bit silly since I'm sure it's stuff nobody really cares about but me.

Getting details accurate to Graph's vision has been a challenge. I found myself disagreeing with some of the artistic choices he's made for his OCs, but rather than trying to change the details to suit myself (something I know he's accepted with other fan works), I tried to work with the thought processes behind those decisions and find spaces within them that appealed to me. This will end up being a very guiding element for chapter 5 when I get around to finishing it!

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter! Until next time.


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