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Question of the day: do you think president kang is a red flag or a green flag?

Dropbox: Part 1 Part 2 

Password: "drama”

President Kang got poor Ha-ri to sign his 'business proposal/dating proposal' and now she's stuck with playing two roles geum-hi and ha-ri. The power her wig beholds!!

but how long can she keep this a secret??.. 🤫🫣




Hes a red flag turned into green, very green like the whole forest! ❤️💚


Hi Familia! I really am enjoying your Kdrama reactions, I can't wait when you watch Hwarang, I hope it's next.. I really wanna watch your reaction to Taehyung's acting and character even though he isn't the main guy he has a "character/story" in the drama, he is not just a side-character. Question of the day: do you think president kang is a red flag or a green flag? - the very first episodes he is a red flag hehe but he slowly becomes a green flag :D


i mean i usually dont like to label immediately but he wasnt really welcoming to her when hes treating it as a business relationship he was acting all cold but you do see these scenes where they show how people are always trying to scam him and the grandpa so i kinda understand how he has has that cold personality but as you go thru the series he gets a good character development and also i think hari kinda sees him as just a boss right now but is discovering that hes not a cold hearted person when hes outside the business world


Im so saddddd i missed the last live of episodes 5 and 6 😩 please familia can you post them before the next live i want to catch up <3


you guys are so cute lol! i hope to catch more lives in the future, they seem like a blast :D


omgg it left on such a cliffhanger >< cant wait for the rest!


qotd i think kang taemoo is a yellow flag at this point! he still has a lot of issues to work through but i can see him making progress :) he's very weirdly righteous and he never says things to be mean or rude on purpose, but he's very practical and is learning these new emotions for the first time in his life. i look forward to the next episodes ^^


I know this is kind of a weird place to be putting this but here are a list of dramas I think you would like to watch after this. 1. Hwarang (With V, Seo-joon, and Hyung-sik) 2. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (With Hyung-sik, pretty funny) 3. What's wrong with Secretary Kim (With Seo-Joon, another funny one) 4. Happiness (With Hyung-sik, about Zombies but not scary) 5. The Witch: Subversion (With Woo-Shik, he is so different in this) 6. Twinkling Watermelon (Good and they mention BTS) 7. Perfect Marriage Revenge (This one is just really good)


You gave a perfect list...Add THE GLORY and ITS OKAY TO BE NOT OKAY to it too


I think Hyung-Sik is one of my favorite actors. Happiness is like my favorite drama. I still have a couple of Seo-Joon's to catch up on like Itaewon Class and Fight for My Way. But I figured they would like the dramas with the Wooga squad and some that I just enjoyed


familia will you be posting eps 5 and 6 reaction before or after the next live ? so I can catch up by myself at least 😭


I've watched this before but have seen your reaction to the 1st and 2nd episode. Just wanna say, I'm hooked ... with Marisol's "subtle" eyerolls towards Mr Kang! LOL.. BEST REACTIONS I SWEAR. It's more enjoyable haha