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Question of the day: What has been your favorite episode thus far?

Vimeo: Part 1 Part 2

Dropbox: Part 1 Part 2

Password: ‘apart”

After watching episode 3 and 4 we are going to be all caught up with you familia! 🙌 Today we get to learn more about one of BTS’ hardest years 2018. We’ve heard them mention this era before on how they felt burned out and really wanted a break and today we are looking forward to getting a glimpse of it all.

We hope to learn something from their journey of overcoming burnout and coming back stronger than before! ❤️

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Briana J

I'm glad Namjoon brought some perspective, not just to the members but to people watching this. This pandemic was mass death and mass disabling. I get the disappointment people felt but just because some of us have been lucky to have mild cases doesn't mean that's what happened for everyone. Millions of people died and people lost close loved ones. I lost both of my grandmothers since Covid began and the one I lost in 2021 was so scary because we didn't know how we'd bury her because of the pandemic. That's why I like Namjoon so much, he understands that life is unpredictable and chaotic. Again, this isn't intended to be shady to anyone but I felt so comforted by that.


At one part of the episode you guys were asking about why they weren't going out and stuff. I agree with you guys thinking it probably had something to do with safety too but I also think it was from total exhaustion. (from my personal experience of having worked 2 jobs and having about 1 day off a month. ) About 2 years into having both jobs, my social battery went down the drain. And when that day off came, I didn't want to do anything! I just felt time went by so fast and I had to start my routine all over again! After 5 years, I finally let one job go. I DO NOT miss it. I do miss the money a little bit lol but I couldn't handle the stress anymore.