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Question of the day: On a scale from Taehyung to Hobi, how good of a liar are you?

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This Run series has to be one of our favorites! 🙌

We loved the game with the electric ears, familia let us know that the ears move depending on your brain waves. [no wonder Jimin's ears immediately moved when he was the liar for one of the questions.] 🤣

In this episode, the members continue to play more fun games that deal with them having to lie and act which leads to betrayal…

It was really nice to see them all together having a good time. 🥺

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JK being on Taehyung's team in the rock paper scissors game the whole time while he wasn't really part of it it was so funny!! Especially that he didn't really lie, even one time!!! Also, i love how Taehyung keep on dancing to Run BTS everytime and the boys went with it too, happy they put this bonus clip!!


QOTD: I would say I’m good liar. I’m not good like Taehyung but I can keep a secret. And Jimin in both episode was so funny. I think they filmed one more episode before Seokjin enlisted in the military


I am sad that there’s only one more episode until Jins enlistment. I’m curious if they filmed more after he enlisted or if they’ll wait until 2025. Either way it’ll be hard. :(


I love how Jimin and Hobi both laugh with their whole body and fall to the floor. But there is a difference in how they fall. Jimin falls in place, whereas Hobi travels across the room, still laughing, before he drops. And this is one of many reasons why they’re my biases😄


QOTD: Im a Jk 😁😁😁


Hahaha that is an on point observation


Hi Familia! Thank you for the fast upload! Not sure if this is still valid but hope you could react to the BTS World Series, you'll be able to see the members act for real (real acting). Each episode last for 15-20 minutes each and everything is worth it. Hope you'll notice this huhuhu. LINKS: youtube.com/watch?v=3JT3OayvrRg Question of the day: On a scale from Taehyung to Hobi, how good of a liar are you? - it depends of whom I am lying to, usually my family always caught me right away whenever I am lying. But I can do a pretty good job at lying as long as I can control my facial expression hehe

Melissa Chung

QOTD: I'm a J-Hope. I love this RUN BTS episode. One of the best!

Lainee Fenton

QOTD, I'm closer to Taehyung 😂 mafia ends in a fight with my family. I loved this episode so much. You are so right, we love seeing them together 🥺


Just want to clarify that they said that the they had one episode left to film, not that there was one episode left in general! RunBTS has literally NEVER been filmed/released in order like they've always been really all over the place with them haha! So there could still be loads more episodes left yet like this could be the second to last episode for them, but not necessarily for us, so I really wouldn't worry just yet 💜 Also they've only been releasing one episode a month, so to cover the two years they would only have to film about 24 episodes and they've literally been filming since the summer so it's definitely more than doable and realistic for them 😁


I also feel like they wouldn't just announce it ending like this haha! They'd definitely do something a lot more special and official


I loved watching this episode with you familia. It was sooo funny. I love how we got some of the unwritten rules of Run BTS here: if Yoongi is praising you verbally you should be suspicious - Exactly how he was when he was pretending to be on Jimin’s Team. Hobi will genuinely want to help but will be so confused in the process, that it will lead to utter chaos and be hilarious. Tae and JK will tell each other the truth and always help each other regardless of what team they are on - exactly like Tae tried to get JK not to object when he was telling the truth, and JK during the Rock, paper, scissors told Tae only the truth about where he was losing so Tae could win. Jin will spice all the games up wether by acting or betting recklessly and he will always say ‘Anii’ in his endearing yet exasperated tone. Namjoon is secretly competitive and not above sabotage but he will do it endearingly - like he did to Tae by looking at his dice. Also Tae and Jimin will be super at mind games and will also be cutely mischievous together. And finally Yoongi and Jimin will always bicker and always suspect each other, no exceptions. There were so many golden moments in this ep. I really hope the final ep has lots of parts.

Simran Chauhan

QOTD : I am a good liar like Taehyung.


Jimin's so funny here hahaha