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Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in the poll! πŸ’•

VLive won for this Friday's post! Now which one shall we watch together?

I know it's a really bad question to ask because there are so many legendary VLives out there and where do we start lol. πŸ€”πŸ€”

[we'll do a poll on the top picks]

Also because we really want to take everyone's suggestion into consideration and because a lot of you made really good points.  

We decided since Wednesdays and Sundays are set with their series, Friday can be a day where we choose with polls what to watch next. It could be a Run episode, a Muster, a short series, a Vlive. Kinda like a fun, flexible, open day!

We don't mind doing polls often to vote, but you let us know what you think down below familia :) πŸ’œ



I always enjoy rewatching Jin, Yoongi and Jimin dance Just Dance on vlive… always makes me smile! πŸ’œ

Nancy Marshall

My vote is for the V-Live V, Jimin and JK did after the first concert in LA! That was hilarious!


Oh, and familia, when you react to Musters please watch all of it!! Like the making films and stuff, also the 5th muster was in Seoul and In Busan, if you could watch both it would be nice!! πŸ’œ

Shamya Mckoy

My vote is for the eat jin with jimin from 2019. They talk about the concert and their families being there !!!


I like the idea of Fridays changing. But also maybe you should take away whatever won the previous week or the week before. That way different things are picked each week and it's not always the same thing every or almost every week. Also, while I like the polls, please don't let this turn into where only two or three members get their things voted for again and again.

Lainee Fenton

Yes! 5th muster! I think they'd really enjoy the other musters too:) Great suggestion πŸ’œ


Any Jinminkook vlive are incredible. This trio is so chaotic πŸ˜‚πŸ’œAlso the one where JK and Jimin make gimbaps https://m.vlive.tv/post/0-18231728 https://m.vlive.tv/post/0-18231727

Stephie Van

I vote for jin jimin and yoongi just dance vlive, its really funny. Most vlives where they are multiple members are really funny.


The v->vmin->vminkook vlive saga from after the sofi concert!


Guys please just finish up RunBTS first before moving onto any new content! RunBTS should be the main priority as you seriously need to catch up like you're really running out of time now as you just HAVE to get to last episodes before they come back which could be very very soon! You're soooo so close that you might as well just finish them and get them over with! The V-lives and other content can wait for a bit πŸ’œ


yes, vminkook sofi aftermath vlive so hilarious


also, not a vlive but their LV/Vogue 2022 shoot - a must see as they all look so fab!!!!!!!!! xoxo


BTW, best of luck with getting tickets for las vegas mexinese fam! xoxo