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Question of the day: What's your opinion on them reuniting & your opinion on James Corden?

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BTS reunites with James Corden after his ''army joke" and this is how it went... 😂




I’m so glad RM addressed the topic and let James “clear the air” That’s our leader💜 I honestly don’t think James meant any harm by his comment. Yes. It hurt some army’s but I don’t think those were his intentions. He learned his lesson and BTS still seem close with him. Which is great in my opinion. He seems to care for them, and they clearly still care for him too. At the end of it all James is still a human. And for army’s to dehumanize him over a silly comment is embarrassing. People have done worse. I personally like to move on and support our boys while we can. The boys are happy and that’s all that matters.

Ammie Barawid

Hello familia, please react with the latest vlive of maknaeline. I haven't wqtch it yet but I think its gonna be fun watching together with you. Saw some clips though 🥰


meh, in my opinion it wasn't that deep, he made "jokes", I rolled my eyes at them and that was it, not enough for "armys" to cancel him or threaten him honestly


familiaaaaa have fun at the concert!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 make sure u go to the booths(gate entry 1,5,7, or 8) where they do the vaccine pre-verification so u can have your verification wristbands!! :). and go to the stadium early like maybe lunch time or after lunch bcs the lines are going to be long by like 4pm or 5pm🥲. there are food trucks outside the stadium too :)


The guys handled this with class, I wasn't expecting any less from them. As for James...meh.


I didn't get offended by his joke in the first place (and I'm 38). He's a comedian, it's his job to take the mick and make light hearted jokes. He didn't say all fans were 15 year old girls, just that 15 year old girls would have never wanted to be at the UN before, which is true, the joke wouldn't have landed if he'd said "women and men of all ages have never wanted to be at the UN before" I've seen him on that show making fun of their American politicians and other celebs/people/demographics but no one even threatened to kill him over those things did they. Add to that he's British, our humour is much more dry and blunt, everyone takes the piss out of each other here without taking things too seriously. If anything I actually thought it was risky of Namjoon to bring up the fact that a whole bunch of their fanbase are so bloody OTT crazy that they would send death threats and online hate to someone for making a joke. Not exactly in keeping with the BTS message. And I say this as a BTS fan of almost 5 years, I run a Facebook group, I've seen them at Wembley, I love them and their message but sometimes Army can be toxic beyond measure


I 100% agree with everything you said. I think fans are way too overly sensitive and over protective.

Thaís Cardozo

I started to feel doubtful about James in the release of BE, and after that "joke" I got my confirmations. I really didn't like the way he treated a stereotype that that comes with so much deeper things behind it, including sexism (but I won't go into detail), as a simple joke, and yes he didn't even wanted to apologize for that. I also have my opinion about him talking specifically about the dt some toxic person sent to him online, but anyways I'm here for the boys, if they're good with him, I'm good with him, and I'm happy that the boys cleared that out on the show, and the performance at the end was just AMAZING!! borahae familia 💜


I personally think that death threats are a bit extreme and definitely condemn that sort of behavior. Having said that I couldn't agree more with @Thais Cardozo that the statement by James Cordon was stereotypical and offensive and unfortunately its not the first time. There is a huge difference between a "JOKE" and a rude sexist comment.


I'll just share my feeling. First off, no one deserves to be send death threats or told to harm themselves, no one. And I don't know how the guys felt about the whole situation nor will I presume to know their feelings on this matter or any other. That said, I personally will never feel the same about James, I don't hate him and I won't cancel him or tell others how them should feel about him. I never really whated his show anyways, so it's not much different from before. I just don't see his interactions with the guys as honest anymore. As for the "jokes", I was disappointed in his screaming 15 year old "joke"(It was a stupid joke, especially because there are so many brilliant young people that are doing incredible things for the world right now), but what really bothered me was the "joke" about how BTS at the UN was "unusual"(BTS have been invited to give a speech to the UN 3 times now! And when James made his "joke", he did't even once mention that the guys not only performed there, but also gave a speech WITH the South Korean President) and I was bothered even more when James brushed that aside in this interview and instead focused on the 15 year old "joke"(which to me felt like he was trying to say, "see they really act like hysterical screaming girls, they even sent death threats to me". I'm not saying that's actually what James was doing, but it just feel weird to me).


agreed, but i 100% think this was preplanned. theres no way nj would put him on blast like that on HIS show, its not the korean respectful way. totally think James asked him to do this to get the heat off him from army. tbh I'm annoyed armys made it get to this point cuz we just wasted such a long segment of the interview cleaning up this mess. and im sure the boys are getting annoyed of it as well. so now everytime army has beef with someone, nj is gonna need to clear the air with them publicly if they have a working relationship. whole thing was annoying and unnnessary. army needs to pick their battles.