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Question of the day: What is something you learned from Lets BTS ?

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Oh my goodness familia this might have been the best BTS Talk Show we have experienced! 💜💜💜

We are so grateful for all the inspiration and insight BTS shared with us like, how Covid affected them personally and how they as individuals copped with it. 

Also it was cool to hear what songs of theirs helped them get through covid. 😊

If their goal was to give us hope and comfort with this appearance then they accomplished that!

And now we really can't wait till we get to finally see them!! It's going to be even more meaningful than it would have pre covid. Looking forward to that day, as we are sure many of you are... 💜



Zoé Turcotte

In the part 2 in the message of the members tell each others yes I laugh but I cried so much to The Jimin I Love you the most of Tae to Jimin I cried


I'll explain something to you, that's curious abput the korean culture. The term "friend" it's only use for the people of the same year, that's why Tae's only friend in the group is jimin. The other memebers are "hyungs" or "little brothers" (that thing they add after the name, like jungkook-iee), that are more personal and intimate ways to call someone with another age than you


you must always keep in mind that korea has a whole different culture from america. What tae said about jimin being his “only friend” might sound funny to you but it’s valid in cultural context due to the korean honorific system. To make it easier: Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi are tae’s “hyungs” , Jimin is his “friend” (being born the same year) and JK is his “dongsaeng”

Michelle Imogu

I'm going to be sooooo straightforward here (take it or leave it) and say that what I didn't understand was why they were so shocked by how Tae was always talking about Jimin. when I was watching it, all I was thinking was how Tae said that he rarely says stuff like this and he needed confidence 🥺, then only for them to be like "he's trolling lol", "he mentioned Jimin twice!", "what is this FAVORITISM", like no bro, those are his feelings on his sleeve! 😭😭 so that didn't sit right with me, bcoz true ARMYs should know that whatever Tae says about Jimin (and vice-versa) should not be taken lightly.


This comment section is starting to look like a YouTube comment section. Honestly, leaving an informative/constructive comment costs you nothing. There's no need for shade or pulling your "ARMY cards" Sigh. Hoping this won't become the new normal.

Jannick Melanson

I learned that Jimin view's JK as his copycat


i guess they just still don't understand the ''same age friend'' thing in Korea and how you can't call someone older or younger than you your '''friend''. I'm sure that's all it was because if they understood it completely they wouldn't have found it weird at all. Jimin IS Tae's only friend in bts just like namjoon and hoseok are same age friends.

Michelle Imogu

yea except I wasn't talking about the 'chingu' thing, my comment was based mostly on the "Truth Untold" segment 😐


appreciate the friendly reminder familia, thank you so much!! :) Hope you're having a lovely day, and are looking forward to today's album reaction!!


I agree. Sometimes it's a lot of information to take in and some things might not stick as well as others. But, they are taking the time to learn and always ask questions when they are unsure of something. What we can do for them is kindly provide them with information and answers. I hope this doesn't deter them from asking questions in the future.


사과하지마요 잘못한거 없어요 💜


Muchas gracias familia💜💜 los quiero muchoo💜💜 gracias por hacerme reir y pasar un buen momento 💜💜 amo los videos largos 💜


I hope my comment didn’t come off as rude. It’s normal to make mistakes being given so much information. Anyways, I still love your reactions so much 🤗


The reason why they said it during the Truth Untold segment was because they misunderstood the first part when Tae said Jimin was his only friend. So to them it was like Tae said Jimin was the only one he likes twice. That’s why they thought he was joking, because he said it multiple times. It’s not deep or anything, people make mistakes and misunderstand things. It’s a cultural barrier, it happens. It’s not reason to make them feel bad about it.


The “ie” doesn’t particularly mean “little brother”. Koreans usually add “ie” or “ah” to the end of names of people they know. I wouldn’t say it’s “affectionate” or “intimate”, but it is used between any people who know each other. It’s like a nickname, causal, not like a petname or something more personal or intimate. For example, Yoongi will even call Jin “hyungie” instead of just “hyung”. Jin also calls Yoongi “Yoongi-ah” instead of just “Yoongi”.

Michelle Imogu

well, I'm sorry if hurt their feelings 😕 I was just tryna make a point. let's end it there.


I know, it was the only basic explanation that i thought of for them to understood more or less why tae said that jimin was his only friend. And to clarify, im just starting with my korean lesson, thanks for correct me, i would like to improve as faster as i can.


Everybody suddenly becomes a korean culture guru around here or like playing army entitlement cards being "if you're an army, how in the world do you not know this?" I mean I understand the need to inform or correct mistakes, im sure all of us wants to learn more about the boys and their culture, but being passive aggressive about it, esp towards people who don't deserve that kind of attitude, really always makes me uncomfortable. *sigh* I hope we always remember that behind every account here and behind every content creator are humans of flesh and blood who have feelings. Learn to thread your words respectfully.


Some people really need to listen to Ugh again. Lol


watching with you guys !


QOTD i love the part they delivered message to each other "the untold truth". Guys don't feel easy to open up their true feelings, the closer they are with each other they harder to express their love & appreciations. so great to see they used the opportunity to express. Copycat part- can't stop myself rewatching like 1000 times XDD


Some people seem to forget that marisol and uthman are reactors so they don't just watch all the bts content they want, whenever they want. They have to save videos for filming so it slows down how much they can actually consume, even though they've been army for 2 years. Idk how people can forget that when they signed up to this patreon literally paying for this content LOL


Also the boys make fun of each other all the time so I'm not sure why suddenly it's unthinkable that someone might think tae was joking around


Really love your reactions! When it was doing a recap of all of bts's accomplishments at the beginning and you mentioned all the new baby armys coming from the grammy's performance, I was like "that's me!" I've known about them for years but I never really bothered to check them out until I saw "scammys" trending on twitter lol. I'm still kicking myself for that


OMG That's not true! If you want to call someone's name with an "-ie", you NEED to be quite friendly with or affectionate toward the person. And we Koreans NEVER put the -ie to someone OLDER THAN ourselves. There is no word as "hyungie", the "-ie" attached to "hyung" is just the SUBJECT CASE MARKER, not the "-ie" like in he cases of Junggoogie or Jimimnie. There are two subject case markers, "ie" and "ga", and if the subject word ends with a consonant you should use "ie" instead of "ga".


Sol, that woman, Jang Do Yeon look familiar because you already saw her in "Let's BTS" interview 🤣


The ending made me cry, hard!