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Question of the day: Have we played this game before?

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Password: "namfused"

BTS Marble 1

Due to some rain, BTS is forced to stay in and play the boardgame BTS Marble, which we now know we played before on another Run BTS episode.. right?!

However this time, it gets extra competitive because something major is on the line... RAMYEON! The competitiveness is extra high because of this reward.

We can see why they were so excited about it! They have not had it in some time because they have been on an international music tour! Get your snacks ready and enjoy with us familia! 




Another chaotic ep! 😂💜 If I'm not mistaken, this run was recorded the same day as the last ep (mini golden bell) in the same hotel room (just at a diff angle but the curtain behind rm is certainly familiar😅😉). And I think this is also the same day where they talked about yoongi not making eye contact in a break the silence ep. They just added the table but the boys have the same clothes and its still the same hotel room. Maybe it was after the run? But bts sure work really hard. No time wasted for them.


yayy cant wait for you to watch more run episodes it literally gets better and better each episode AAHHH!!🤩


aaah as a uk army i’m so sad that we didn’t get to see the members wondering around the streets of london, it would have been so cool 😭😭 but yeah, the snacks they had in the game are iconic british snacks, the ‘mint chocolate’ thing was a chocolate called ‘after eights’ it’s like a really thin piece of chocolate with mint in the middle, and the reason they’re called after eights is because you’re ‘supposed’ to eat them after 8pm as a evening treat lol 😂 they’re really nice but also i can only eat like 5 at a time cos they’re really sweet the battenberg cake is also very sweet, and the particular brand they bought is a very famous brand in the uk called ‘Mr Kipling’. They basically mass produce pastries and cakes and sell them in all the uk supermarkets. it’s so fun to see bts even interact with things i’m so familiar with, i can’t imagine how it would feel to actually see them in my home town or something 😂 can’t wait for next weeks ep!! 💜💜


OMG rewatching with you guys' reaction is the best! I missed some of the funny parts before and this time I got them because you guys laughed/reversed XDD


yes ! I was going to say they also filmed the other run and the lunch from break the silence. Where they had a deep conversation about everything and played Jin's song tonight. They really film so many things in one day . Maybe that lunch they had was the prize for winning. 😆

Apple Bee

I can always count on fun reaction from you.

Line Henriksen

The mint chocolate is After Eight, it's so good! I love them.


So ffunny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The whole time I was just getting all soft about Hobi's folded ears under that beanie. It's so adorable?? Like how?? But it just IS!

Nanon ApoBangpo⁷

The game when Tae had to take the picture and Uthman was laughing at his face. I was trying to say "ha Uthmans laugh". But instead I said "ha Earthmans laugh". Bahahaha.

Briana J

LOL just for future references. The Run episodes aren't really about winners and losers much anymore. They are still super competitive but they're usually just being silly.


I don't like the after eight chocolates too... ugh hehe


Oooh, sorry but this actually is what gave mint chocolates a bad reputation to me 🥶