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So, I am waiting on the VA at the moment, to record the voiceover for the W40K/DOA animation and I thought I'll work on something else.

I've decided to finish a custom model and I chose Baiken. I came back to that hair I made in the past and worked on it some more. Added more strands, increased the volume, I think it looks a lot better now.

I've been working on the face today. How does it look? Is it acceptable?
I feel like I am missing something... Maybe I need to make her older somewhat, but I don't really know how.

What do you think overall? Give me some feedback please.
Do I continue or scrap this?

The idea is to work on her while I wait and get her ready for an animation after I am done with lip syncing the w40k/doa animation.



Futa Lord

It looks good to me but idk anything about the character so I may not be the best to answer that.

FrostBite X39

I love the styling and details so far it’s looking quite good. However it might be wise to darken the scar a bit to contrast with the bright hair color and the caramel like skin complexion. I hope to keep working on this. I’m excited to see how it all looks on the end.

Diablo Disciple

Idk her original appearance, but I think she looks very beautiful


She does look like a younger Baiken imo, sadly not an artist myself so I don't really know how you would go about make her look a little older.

Codio Kun

Looks real pretty to me i like the look of it


Definitely keep going. She looks good!!!


Looks great so far, easy way to add age is lines around the corners of the mouth /eyes. Keep up the great work!

Mr Ghost

Looks good, look exactly like her original design. Maybe add signs she old like small wrinkles

Gosha Gomez

Maybe slim her face down a bit? That may help mature the baby face she has now.

Dom G

Maybe make her laugh lines more prominent? But her overall design does look pretty good.