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I am kinda jumping around between different ideas and stuff.

Here, I tried making Galatea from DCAU. Her hair is kind of not correct, but I think it still should be ok.
She's technically supposed to be Power Girl, but not exactly.
I'll be tagging her as Power Girl anyways. Maybe later, I'll give her an actual Power Girl costume.

Any interest in her? All January I was thinking about making more comic book content. I already did marvel a bunch of times before, so I felt like I had to try a dc character this time.

Maybe a reverse paizuri animation? With a guy thrusting inside the chest hole? That's what I kind of want to do right now.

Next I'll make a kof character. I made a poll on twitter a few days ago, Blue Mary won.
She's cool, but I am probably not going to use her. Not yet.
I was actually thinking of doing some genderbending again...




Gender-bend stuff u say , mind if we send some suggestions in Galatea’s comments


My good lord, you had me at Powergirl paizuri.

Gosha Gomez

Powergirl paizuri pleeeaaassse 😍 Genderbend Geese 🙌🏽


Genderbender characters is kinda tricky due to it involving both the body's appearance and the personality of the character being the same, but with a distinct change due to gender/sex expereince differnece. KOF already have some of the male characters having gender bend version already to cut some of the work load. Galatea look sexy, I guess the thing of concern is personaltiy differences to separate her from Super and Powergirl.


I'm very much liking what I'm seeing 🙏


Please do Power Girl/Galatea. There is so little good work of her its criminal