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  • Yoruichi_DanceTest_alt.mp4
  • Yoruichi_DanceTest.mp4




Yoruichi's animation is here.

This one was pretty painful.
Mainly the model, it took me a long time to make and it ended up being pretty low tier. I feel really insecure about how her face looks which is why I am hiding it like crazy in this video, sorry about that.

Played around with mirrors a little here. It's pretty fun, but there are some bugs, don't mind them too much.

Tried a longer duration this time. It might be kinda boring though, I am not sure.
I've been thinking of making a poll asking about types of animations, length, climaxes and sets, which one do people prefer and stuff, just to get an idea of what I should focus on more. Perhaps I'll make it soon.

Let me know what you thought about the animation. How's the voice? Does it fit?
How's the cum fluid here?
I've used a physics sim for hair this time, I usually animate hair by hand, because physics sims always behaved weird when I've used the before, but this time it wasn't that bad.

I am fully prepared for people to not like this one and take an L. For the future though I think I'll ban custom characters for suggestion polls, just so I won't feel bad, when I fail like this.

Not sure if I will try any other Bleach character. I really wanted to make Rangiku before Yoruichi, but now I am not so sure...

Next is Shermie from KOF15. I'll post a teaser on twitter, when I make her model.

Don't forget to vote in the Christmas poll:

Btw, I've also attached a little dance animation with Yoruichi in this post, how is it? Is it alright to reuse for showcasing models/twitter teasers? Or should I go back to that walk animation, I've used a couple of times before. I thought it was getting kinda stale and made that little dance animation to freshen things up.




Yeah the dance animation seems ok maybe give it a bit. And i loved the animation. While we cant see that face which was kinda of a bummer i think that this was ok a solid 7/10 dont feel so bad.

Matt Mox

Her lips and mouth looked good. Voice acting was good, animation spot on and loved the longer animation. That’s just my personal preference. Society now has become fixated on little “shorts”, nah take your time man. That’s better than quick little snippets that you have to watch over and over again

Andrew LaVoie

Now even close to a L. 1000% Win. Would absolutely love to see a Rangiku animation from you.

Andrew LaVoie

Also take your time. A longer animation is better then a bunch of shorts, there's enough animators for that.


The parts of the face we do see looked fairly good and you nailed her body and skin, she looked amazing, i only wish we got more of her from the front. Length wise i thought it was fine, overall i think it was a solid animation, i wont pretend and tell you its your best but this is FAR from an L in my book


This is good, I like longer stuff with cum scenes a lot more than short loops


I’m still hoping for Jack-O but this is still good, I think Yoruichi’s face is fine btw


Everything is amazing as usual with the only complaint is not seeing Youruichi's pretty face.