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MEGA LINK - *UPDATE* Polished + Added sound and dsm version

First of all I want to say sorry to all the Taki fans. I've been feeding you guys promises of her animation for two months now, but I just can't finish it.
It seems so crappy and bad to me now, I just want to close blender every time I open the project file.
It just took way too much time, I lost interest and motivation to finish it. I need to move on from this and work on new projects.
Voiceover delay played a part in this whole situation too. I am not blaming the VA, but the delay really iced me and the script I gave her, now sounds cringe to me, I don't want to use it.
In general I feel like, I don't know how to make climax paizuri animations, like I don't have a good format for it, I just try random things. I think I should just stick to short paizuri animations from now on.

I am very sorry. Still, I feel like showing it to you, so here is the link to the low res unfinished animation. Maybe some of you will find it ok.

Now about this Sarah animation.
After trying and trying to finish the Taki animation, I gave up and switched to Sarah. Went with the fellatio, because it takes less time to animate.
This animation was heavily rushed and it still requires some polish.
I will update it tomorrow + will add sound and dsm version.

Sorry again to the Taki fans.




life be like that sometimes.

Gosha Gomez

I thought it turned out pretty good. I liked that it was long, had various angles, and a nice climax. I think you were heading in the right direction and would love to see a fully completed nude version.


Not gonna lie - I'm sad that this Taki animation isn't going to be finished after it's come so far. I think it looks VERY hot, and I like what you did with the camera angles, the expression, and the head turn during the climax. Mmph. Would love to have seen/heard it with the audio! I can understand, though. Thanks for sharing the WIP version with us.


Dang, I was looking forward to the Taki anim but it is what it is