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Elise is cancelled, I am going to use Morrigan instead.
Sorry to the ~5 people that cared. I'll get to Elise some other time.

Finished up the Morrigan model today, I am using her Marvel Infinite outfit. Do you think it looks good?
Lazy pose, I might do more pinups later.

While I did add Morrigan's main outfit to the model, I am going to use the slingshot bikini in the animation, gotta keep up the summer theme. I might do an intro sequence where she changes clothes.

One big question though, I mentioned that I want to make a mating press animation this month...
The question is, which character do I use for it? Morrigan or Yshtola? Yeah, I am jumping ahead of the poll a little, but she has a very big lead right now.
So, anyway, Mating press. Morrigan or Yshtola? Or should I do another position all together for both of them?




If you do mating press, I implore you, please don't make the man's ass take up most of the screen.


Yshtola from FFXIV? If so I would love to see her in your animations. I would also love to see her in more dominate pose like riding the guy if you find the time.


There's a severe shortage of Y'shtola art out there, especially FFXIV Y'shtola




Nice model, no complaints 👌 I say give mating press to Yshtola.


Yshtola but no mating press. You give your models such amazing bodies and I feel like the mating press doesn't show them off enough.


Yshtola has a tail, so she needs it doggy with a bit of tail pulling. I think mating press would ruin that!


Hmmm... I think Yshtola doesn't work well with mating press because it has a tail. So I guess Morrigan.


Model looks good, anything would look nice with morrigan, so maybe save the mating press for Ysholta and think up some more positions with morrigan


Another vote for Yshtola with the mating press.


Cast a vote for Morrigan.

Larile Millvet

If you choose mating press, try something like what you did with Nanami: a secondary view of her face or upper body in the same animation.


Shame Elise was cancelled, I always loved how you did her. Yshtola needs more loving.


I think you misunderstood. Eliza is the tekken vampire girl with the horns. Elise is the new doa character.


Yep, I did in fact misread _(:3」∠)_ I didn't know about Elise until you pointed it out so I don't mind (but I would internally riot if you ever stopped loving Eliza)


That will never happen, don't worry. Eliza is my favorite tekken character now.

Francisco Beltrán

That's a great model. Man, hopefully some day the Xianghua could get some love?