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My MEGA account got banned and all the links on the posts are dead now. I am going to find an alternative and reupload everything, but for now I'd like to focus on the guilty gear animation. I'll do it after I am done with it. Sorry about all this. 



Man, Mega's been shutting down a lot of patreon pages I follow...


Thats hella sad


Oof, that sucks.


Other creators are reporting the same thing; it seems that MEGA is doing a massive ban.


Didn't know porn was a bannable offense

Ryuuichi Kusanagi

Dropbox and Google drive, might be a decent alternative. I'll try to help and find a better alternative.


Another one hit by the mega Mega ban. They’ve been on a witch hunt lately it seems.

Arae Tokou

Why is every creator i support getting nuked. Your content isnt even that crazy kinky...


Random false flags from some asshole, the system is automatic, no one checks if the report is actually vaild. I got an email from support, I got banned for shermie and honoka...