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  • Asuka_Cowgirl.webm
  • Asuka_Cowgirl.mp4
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Gyaru.mp4
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Gyaru_Music.webm
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Gyaru.webm
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Gyaru_Music.mp4
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Music.webm
  • Asuka_Cowgirl_Music.mp4



UPDATE: Gyaru version added.

This came out with a quite a bit of a delay. Sorry.
Last week was bad, my dad got really sick, I was taking care of him for most of the week.
I only really started working on this on friday.
On top of that it's really fucking hot outside, ~34 degrees celsius all day. It hasn't been this hot for like 4-5 years now.
Also my pc chair broke, I am currently using one from the kitchen, lol.
Really shitty mood overall.

Anyways, the actual animation is kinda experimental, I tried making the motion very intense and fast. Not sure if I succeeded, let me know. Maybe it's better to do this kind of intense motion when the male is moving.
Also I changed Asuka's body - bigger breasts, wider hips, smaller waist. Iroha rubbed off on me I guess, lol. Maybe the reason I didn't like Julia too much was because I made her kind of a sticc?

It's really hard to find a voice that fits Asuka, I remember struggling pretty hard. This time I pretty much said screw it and just used one from the voice pack. I did pitch shift it slightly, but it's still kinda meh. I can't really do much about this, sorry.

At first I forgot to put music in the background, so I made a separate version. It loops kinda weird, let me know if it's bad like this. I don't know much about sound mixing, I just put a fade at the start and end. Let me know if it's better with music on or off.

Somebody on twitter mentioned the mp4 format. I included both the mp4 and the webm versions for this animation. Maybe my eyes are bad or something, but to me the webm version looks better. The colors are a little different, but it looks more clear. It could be just me not using the correct settings for the mp4 format, I am not really sure.
Take a look yourself and tell me what you think.

A gyaru version is coming soon. Can't really do an alt outfit version or something, because of the scene. Reverse bunny suit in a gym is kinda weird.

Futa 2P on 2B is winning the voting poll, huh? I hope I can pick up the pace and release it sooner than how it went this time.
Don't worry, I'll do the other color combinations too. 2B on 2B, 2B on 2P and 2P on 2P, though 2P on 2B will be the first one.




Can you make one without the pubic hair?


Good work. I like this move very much. Momentum and dynamic, much better than a normal cowgirl. Regarding BGM, I prefer not to personally. Regarding mp4 and webm, webm looks brighter, but I prefer mp4 because I manage files with mp4.


The animation does look more intense, but imo it didn't quite work out. It looks like a slower animation but sped up, which makes her look a lot lighter than she'd normally be weight wise.


very nice thank you nice hairy