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I have conflicting feelings about this.

Does she look fine to you?
I kinda feel weird about how she looks, maybe it's because I was just working with Marie and her body is a lot different.
Please tell me if I need to change anything.

Now the hair bun.
It's buggy and it looks bad to me. I really don't know if it's me, blender, the game or w/e.
Does it look acceptable to you?
Maybe in the end result = render+post-processing, it will look fine, I'll do some tests before fully rendering the animation, but just incase it looks awful, I'll use the drills.

I honestly don't know if her pubic hair should be blonde or black. What do you think?
The eye makeup is a little fucky right now, I'll change it later.

And finally...
What pose ideas do you have? I guess , I'll need a pose where her drills won't be colliding with much stuff, so it's easier to animate. Like maybe a pose where her drills would hang down vertically or something, maybe a missionary pose on a table/something?



frosty jojo

I think I can see what you mean. She's kinda immersion-breaking as she is now, not convincing enough. Overall her entire body + head seems a bit glossy or too reflective maybe, but especially her body. Her head a bit but there's other more distracting things up there. It's the overall shape/texture of her hair, the issue with the shape/size is best displayed when her hair is put up (second pic) and the flower in her hair. The first pic of her hair is a good example of the texture issue (kind of low quality on her loopie-braid thing). Overall she seems more cartoonish and less believable than your other characters. I think that's also the issue with her face/makeup, seems to influence the cartoony effect along with how her hair is and her glossy skin. As far as positions go, I might need to think more and let you know. But tbh I can't complain about something being more difficult to animate as I know what that's like haha, if you make the art you love and it's easier to work on I personally have no problem with that. I have a few positions I like but lemme put some more thought into what might be better to animate on your end and I'll get back to ya

frosty jojo

And hey just wanted to add this is my first comment/communication with you since I recently subscribed, I understand this is a WIP. I don't mean to harshly critique or anything, because your finished work is wonderful. I don't wanna add to the people who "demand" or tell you how to perform your skill, as we're the ones here for you haha. It's good to collect feedback but ultimately if you are happy with your work don't let anyone else bring you or it down


Skin glossiness in these pictures is not permament, I can adjust it as I want, depending on the scene. It will also look different with different lighting conditions. But yeah, it's just how SFV artsyle is, can't really do anything about the hair shape or the textures.


Karin first got a 3d model with sfv right? There's not much to compare it too in the first place. I always thought those models looked a bit off


I'm just glad to see more Karin content, and personally I prefer the drill hair anyway