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If you had to choose only one franchise out of all of the ones I've used before, what would it be?
This poll doesn't really mean anything, I am just a little curious.

I am sorry, but this month my motivation is very low, really can't get over something that happened to me last week.
I'll probably only do 2 animations this month, I wanted to do more, but it just doesn't seem possible anymore.
The 2B video is about 50% done. It grew into something a little bigger than I initially wanted. Will probably release it next weekend or a little earlier.
The other video will be a birthday thing, you can look up fighting game characters birthdays and try to guess who it is, if you want.

Again, sorry to dissapoint.



I'm torn between Tekken and KOF but learning more towards KOF


I don't know what happened. But take a break if you need it


World of Warcraft.