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Animation looks kinda rough right now. The whole pose is pretty complicated. How does it look so far to you?

I have another flexible pose in mind, but it requires a prop and I can't figure out what prop to use.
Basically I need something to put Taki's feet on that's about half her height, can you think of something that would fit SoulCalibur's aesthetic? I guess a barrel/crate or something, but that's kinda lame.

I was learning about particle systems while working on Taki's model and pin-ups. The picture 1e2 has the particle system active, it's supposed to be water droplets, but they look kinda dark when I use the "new graphic setting" thing, they look fine without it, but the the whole picture gets worse, so fuck them for now.
Until I figure out how to make them look fine.

Check out the new heart pupils, look way better, don't you agree?

Also I was thinking of deleting old wip posts, they aren't needed right? Probably makes it tedious to go through the page. Do you think it's a good idea to remove them?




I'm definitely a fan of the shiny skin pics. But when it comes to the heart pupils it looks a lot more like mind control now that they're a lot brighter. I'm into mind control so I dig, though you shouldn't mention anything mind control related on patreon, so just make sure you don't say in a post that it might be mind control or anything.