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  • Tifa_X_RinoaFuta.mp4



This was a pain in the ass to make.
Getting the body texture color to match Rinoa's head texture took me like 5 tries. I re-did her body twice, cause it didn't look good, at first she was super skinny - I tried to match her model as close as possible, but it just didn't look right.

The biggest problem was Tifa's model though or rather her rig, it just doesn't want to behave right for me, it's too laggy/my pc is too weak or something.
This model is not mine, so I don't really know the details of how it was made, but when I make my own rigs, they don't lag that much.
Try to put yourself in my shoes - I animate in 30 fps right? So imagine trying to preview the animation in blender at 3-5 fps, it's a total nightmare, I had to do like 30 eevee renders. Everytime I pressed "undo" I had to wait like 5-10 seconds for everything to load, awful.

This is why the animation is really cheaply made, I apologize. I even wanted to do more animations of this pair, but I just can't, I am sorry, it's to painful/slow to work like this.

How many of you are interested in Final Fantasy stuff? Because if I am to make more Tifa animations I'll have to make my own model.

About the actual animation:
Pronebones are hard, it's easier when you show the giver though. I did a pronebone pose before with NiCO from DOA6. I really hate showing faces of the random dude model I use, so I had to get tricky with the camera angle which kinda makes it hard to animate.

Why is Rinoa a futa? No reason really, I just decided to give her a dick, I guess you can explain it with magic or w/e. If any of you are offended by me doing it, I am sorry. Next time I do Rinoa she won't have a dick, I promise.

I think this is the first time I did a belly bulge. It's kind of a sensitive topic I think. I know there are some of you that are fine with that kind of stuff, but I don't want to alienate anyone - tell me if I should never do that again.

The moans are kinda meh. I think for the next animation I'll try hiring a voice actress or something, does anyone have a favourite one?

What do you think overall? Does it look good from the graphics standpoint at least?




More Tifa would definitely be nice and I'm all for stomach bulges. As far as VAs go it always kinda depends on what character it is. Not every VA fits every character, but MissMoonified is generally pretty good.


Woah, I didn't notice the bulge until I read your post, nice. Good animation, but I'll agree that the moans are kinda off, I would certainly prefer sound, but if you can't get some fitting moans or hire a VA, I'd rather it be silent, IMO. As far as Final Fantasy characters go, keep em coming, if that's what you wanna do, I like em.


I like it