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Julia wins!
No tie this time. Strange poll, only 17/31 patrons voted, I really don't understand, do people just not check their feed or something? I don't really mind, but it would've been more fun if more people voted.
Should I do a multiple vote poll next time too?

I made her nude body just now. Really not feeling confident about the shape, it's kinda hard to tell what her body is because of her clothes, did I get it right? Do I need to change anything? Maybe the breasts are too big?
Kinda feel like her textures are too dark, should I make them lighter a little? I should give her lighter nipples at least I think.
Also thinking of giving her huge pubes for the "reforestation" memes. Should I?

Attached the final eevee render of the Marie animation(also a cycles pic of the final lighting setup). Did any of you like how the breasts shake in the Leona animation? I didn't use the technique I used there for Marie, was that a mistake? It's too late to add it now, though.
Will probably release the animation on sunday/monday.




Looking at her official art/render, I think you made her legs too thick, otherwise, I think she looks good. Seeing as how she's a nature loving hippy kind of girl, my money is on her not shaving, so yes please to the pubes. Marie didn't look like she was getting pounded hard or anything, so her boobs didn't need to jiggle to hard, IMO.


I say nay to pubes. The official art has her look a bit lighter than the way you have her, so I'd say try to match it.


I think, the majority just wants to consume, not interact. They just want to passively enjoy the work of the creator. And some just don't care about the poll options, maybe there is no character in it they'd want to see. The Leona animation was exquisite btw


I hope there will be a honoka fellatio some day ;-(