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I thought a lot about what to do in November, at first I wanted to do some ntr animations (Do you dislike ntr?), but decided to do something different instead. An experiment of some sorts.

So, first, I want to do a voting poll, while the voting process will be happening I will be doing a short animation each day. The experiment will be called "Let's try putting this whole animating thing on easy mode".

After I am done making the poll animation, I'll be doing a Marie Rose animation(Do you dislike her?). I am also thinking about using DOA6 Kula, I hope I won't run into any problems with her model. DOA6 models have a lot of face bones, because of the new motion capture tech they use and that can make things difficult.




I don't like Marie Rose, but I guess you should go for her. She seems to be really popular.


I could always go for Marie, especially if Honoka is involved, but there's already tons of them out there. I dunno about Kula tho. IMO, her age combined with how childish she already acts seems pretty iffy for me.... As far as NTR goes, I prefer vanilla, but if NTR is presented right, I can deal.