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The textures aren't finished = there is a visible neck seam, my eyes started to hurt, so i had to stop. I'll fix them later.

Some of you might have noticed that I kind of stopped using street fighter characters.
There are 2 reasons for this:

1. I made quite a bit more street fighter animations compared to other franchises. I want to have a balance, so I focused on other games. So for now street fighter characters are only going to be in crossovers like I planned with Angel. I hope you don't mind.

2. Street Fighter characters have really particular body shapes that are quite hard to replicate, so I was also avoiding chars like chun-li with her giant legs. Lucia is kind of like chun-li, i was freaking out when I was making a nude body for her. I tried my best to make it look as close as possible. I did give her a bigger ass though, cause her ingame model has a really flat one.

She gave me a little bit of trouble. Sf characters have the hair merged with the head and she has a bun hair thing that hinders the body and head merging proccess, never had something like this happen with other characters. I did it in the end though.

Tell me what you think and what you want changed. I know not a lot of you care about her, but please help me out still.




She's actually looking really good here, but I've barely looked at her since her reveal.