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Ran into some errors making this, so it's not really ready for pin-ups and stuff.

Was basing the shape off of her venus vacation body. It's not exactly right, but I think it's kinda close.

I didn't finish working on her textures yet, the neck seam is still there, but you can take a look at the shape and tell me if you want any changes. Also going to remove some moles/birthmarks on the body textures later. 

I am also thinking of adding pubic hair, any interest in that? What about a pink nail color?




Not a fan of a full bush, but I'd love me a nice landing strip for sure.


My goddess!! <3 I like the shapes you gave her. You got her pretty well. The only thing that I think is a bit unfitting is the shape of her neck. Maybe it's just me. But I think it's a tad too strong/broad. But man, I can't wait to see what you'll do with her. I'm not a fan of public hair in particular but I don't mind when it is there either (if it's not too much). Colored nails would be nice, though